Առավոտյան ընդհանուր պարապմունք

5 տարեկաններ-1-2 դասարաններ


1-2 դասարաններ

Candy is sweet

Sugar is too,

The best Mom in the world

Is no one but you!

3-4 դասարաններ

Mommy, it’s your special day.

You’re the best in every way.

Thank you for the things you do.

You love me and I love you!

5րդ դաս.

Try to be kind


1ին դաս.

One, one, one –
Little dog, run!
Two, two, two –
Cats see you.
Three, three, three –
Birds in the tree.
Four, four, four –
Rats on the floor.


Butterfly, butterfly,

Where do you fly?

So quickly and high

In the blue-blue sky.

2-րդ դաս.

I am a little snowman short and fat,

Here is my scarf and here is my hat,

When I see the snowfall, 

Hear me shout

«All your children please come out!»

I like to see the stockings,

I like to see the gifts,

I like to see the bells,

I like to see a tree,

I like to see the Santa
Looking at me.

I can read and I can write,

I can sing and ride a bike,

I can jump and I can hop,

I can hop but I can’t stop.

I can count- 1,2,3,

I can say the a, b, c,

I can jump and I can hop,
I can hop but I can’t stop.
I can run and I can sing,
I can do anything, 
I can jump and I can hop,
I can hop but I can’t stop.

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